Saturday 21 July 2012

You Have a Text Message

You never replied to my text message! Dude, did you even get my messages? Yaar banda kabhe sms ka reply bhi ker daita hai! Is something wrong with your phone? Kabhe time per reply naa kerna tum! Torr k phank do tum apna phone – This is what I get to hear on a regular basis from my friends.

I don’t quite understand what my problem is with text messages. Maybe I do not take them very seriously or maybe I just get too many messages and I go straight to the ones I think are more important thinking I’d look at other messages later and then I forget all about them. Or maybe I am always busy with one thing or the other to take some time out and reply to “oye kya karr rha hai abhe?” & “kya scene hai /scene awnn hai??!”

This habit of ignoring text messages is quite old and gets me in trouble at times but I never learn. I, very conveniently, ignore my dad’s text message reminding me to get home before curfew, my mom’s text asking me to get something from the store on my way back, my friends’ messages reminding me of paying their money back. It is not like I do not reply at all. It is just that I do not reply on time. I even had a breakup with my girlfriend because according to her I never replied – which I think is not true!! And then another past love interest asked me if I was trying to act cool by not replying on time? (as if I need to ‘act’ cool, haha =P)

So I have decided to put in more effort to reply back to people. And I am discovering it is not thaaat hard and I am also getting fewer complaints of not replying back or on time. Let’s see for how long I can continue this. =]