Thursday 3 January 2013

And He is Actually a She!

I distinctly remember it was 6th of this month when I fell in love all over again…with a dog this time. =P I reached the hotel at 2 pm where a friend of mine was throwing his birthday treat. I went inside and all the way to the rooftop where the restaurant is, only to find that I was the second one of the invitees to get there. After a while, other people started to show up. Now I must say my friend is a real ladies man; there were 3 guys and like 12 girls (not that I’m jealous, haha) Anyway, that is irrelevant to this post. We all had excellent food … well, good food … to be honest, it was just okay. Post lunch, we decided to go to this ice cream place for dessert. A friend of mine and I got in the car and set off for the ice cream place. On our way, we saw this guy holding two adorable puppies at a roundabout and we exclaimed, “Oyeee!! Kuttay k bachayyy!” in unison and at this, we rolled in our seats with laughter. But the puppies were so adorable that we both decided to take another look at them and drove all around the roundabout once again to see them. I stopped the car at one side and called the guy over. That’s where it all began. It turned out he was selling them for Rs. 5000. One was white and the other was black and, I must add, both were adorable when they looked at us with their small innocent eyes that would make anyone go awww. We struck a bargain with this guy and got one dog for Rs. 500! We both congratulated each other for successfully striking such a good bargain. But after like 5 minutes of patting and playing with the dog, we both were like what to do with him? Both our parents are against keeping dogs and since we live with our parents we have to play by their rules. I decided to keep the dog at my house till my parents get back from their vacation and since then the dog has been living in my room. So as of today, my parents are officially back and have met the dog. Luckily the dog was at his best behavior when he met my dad and sat obediently by his side while he rolled around at my mother’s feet. Dogs are intelligent animals; he must have sensed that this was important because I have never seen him be so obedient. I am not sure if my parents love him or even like him for that matter but I get to keep him.. for now. =D

This is from September of last year. Never found time to post this. But more importantly the dog gets to stay. Oh and I discovered like only a month back that my dog is actually a female dog. *Poker face.


  1. it's pretty amazing how a little bargaining can take you from 5000 to 500.
    Good thing you got to keep the puppy though! They're cute! :P

  2. Man you HAVE TO give me lessons on bargaining. =D

    Little bundles of happiness, these pups. One of the reasons I look forward to going home so much is because I can't wait to walk in through the gates and be greeted by an adawwrable-compulsive-face-licker Pogo my dog. =)

  3. LOL Lucky you get to keep the dog. My parents have some serious rules about pets. Can never keep them. SIGHS

  4. Haha you are so lucky. I have wanted a cat and my parents are so against one. :(
    My mum goes they are dirty tch tch.

  5. Haha..I've got a pet dog too!
    You so quickly become attached to 'em, dont you?
    They become family members! ;)
    Now following you..
    Visit me at

  6. What did you name your adorable pup? :D
    My mother never let me have any pets. When i threw tantrums my parents got me an aquarium with tiny goldfish. beat that. :O

    Btw, i hope you can find some time to visit my blog.

    Maybe we could follow each other? :)
