Thursday 20 December 2012

In the Loving Memory of an Old Friend.

Today I said a final goodbye to a very dear friend of mine. He had been fighting for his life for over a month now but he did not deserve to go this young and in such brutal heartbreaking way, where I was not even able to say a proper goodbye. Sometimes when I used to see the scarred and sorry looking face of his, I used to think maybe it was kinder on him to just let him go... But I never lost hope, not entirely, that maybe someone, somewhere, somehow would be able to fix him. He recovered too once three weeks back but it did not last for very long and before I knew it, he was in much worse condition only like a week later.

For the past 4 years, 4 magical years, he has been with me through all the ups and downs of my life. Where ever I went, he went side by side, hand in hand. Whenever I fell, he fell. Whenever I was sad, he made sure that I get to talk to someone to make me feel better. In return I wasn't able to do much for him. Although I used to pick him up and dust him off whenever he fell (mind you he used to fall often), I feel I should have been more careful in order to not let him fall at all. I used to complain about him all the time. I used to call him useless, old fashioned piece of junk but he didn't mind, he used to act just the same as he did before.

Ah... How I miss my old friend now. He knew almost all of my secrets, all of my passwords, all of my favorite songs, all of my crushes, all of my conversations with them and all my friends, and all of the little poems and short stories that I wrote. In short, he was my best friend and I've lost him today.

In all reality, he could have lived on for a few weeks or even months had it not been for the accident where he flew out the window and landed on the road only to be run over by a motorbike. I was there, I was the one who was driving the car and it all happened in a matter of seconds which seemed like an eternity. The incident replays itself over and over in my head. It was something like this: a motorbike, trying to avoid a rickshaw, bumps into another motorbike who cuts in front of me, I brake hard and spin the wheel around in order to save the guy on the motorbike. It was during these seconds, when the car turns around uncontrollably, he flies out the window on to the road and the bike coming behind him runs him over. I look out the window and see him lying there, broken to the core. A nice stranger picks him up and walks over to my car and hands him to me and I very tenderly hold him in my hands and look down at my old, trusted and finally broken friend, Nokia 6760. I know he is not with me anymore and I’m sure he can’t listen to me right now but I would like to say this to him that no matter how much I complained about you, I loved you more than you know… Hell I've loved you more than I ever knew. You will be missed. Forever. Rest in peace old friend.

P.S. Never keep your cellphone on the dashboard of your car with windows down. -.-


  1. Holy shit! You scared me.

    But yeah, this is serious. I mean Nokias are supposed to never die. I dropped my Nokia from the fourth floor once. Not a scratch. Sigh.

    Now wipe your tears and go buy yourself a new phone. :)

    1. I know right.
      That phone has been much, much more than just a phone for me. I don't think another phone would do.. not right now anyway.
      Thanks for reading. =]

  2. UFF!


    Worldy objects, they come and go :p

  3. omg.. i was so seriously reading that i thought u lost ur dear frn hehehe

    1. That phone was very close to me. It seems like I've lost a part of me. *Shakes head sadly*

  4. Oh wow. You fooled me. Sorry about your phone though :P


    1. The phone is being missed. A lot.
      Thank you for reading. =]

  5. first paragraphe : poor guy
    2nd paragraphe : hand in hand ? isn't he a bit emotional while recalling him? mentally disturbed ?
    3rd paragraphe ? Wow, where did he found time to narrate all this ? they must be very very close..
    4rth paragraphe: trying to imagine the blody scene of accident when finally i started to laughing out louder. hahaha i understand !!!

    1. LOL. I love your intrepretation of the second paragraph. :D
      Sounded a bit gay, didn't it?

      Thanks for reading. =]

    2. At first yeah, bit then "hand in hand" convey fully the msg u wanna convey. :))

      Ur welcome. ><

  6. I actually got so emotional until you mention it was your cell phone :P
    confusing but good post :)

    1. The feelings were real though. :P
      And thank you.

  7. I could kill you for this. I had got really emotional and then the CLIMAX -.-

  8. I, somehow, read the comments before I read the actual post. All of those who commented above should have warned about the "spoiler alert", you see. Enjoyed it, nonetheless. But oh well, I didn't get trolled like all of ^those peeps. Teehee.

    1. LOL @ Spoiler alert.
      And thanks for reading. =]

  9. OH myy... I was reading the post and I was just getting so emotional over it... GOD... :D
    Nice post...
    *following you*
    Hope to See a follow back!:)

    1. Lol. Thank you.
      Following you back right now. =]

  10. Bahah, really cracked me up at the end. You did get everyone in the emotional spur!
    Good writing there, though!
