Saturday 30 June 2012

Longing for the Summer Holidays!

What a great feeling it would be to be at the top of things. Get everything done in due time, meet all of the deadlines, and maybe even have a moment or two for yourself. (I’ve seldom felt something like that but when I do, I feel like I’m at the top of the world – so elated) =P

The final week of the semester rolled in and rolled out and brought all of the end-of-semester-madness with it. Assignments, projects, reports, presentations – all were due this week. And then the final exams start next week. It is really hard to find time for anything right now and most of all, to strike a balance between work and social life. What makes it worse is that almost all of my friends are done with school for the summer and are back in the city. I haven’t been able to find time for them and they have been complaining a lot lately. I keep telling them that they’re busy having a good time but I know I’m just saying this to get them off my back for a while. Not been a good friend in the past few weeks. But all of that is going to change next week.

Can’t wait for school to end and summers to start (well, summers have already started.. I mean the holidays =P). So the partying starts from next weekend. Woot woot! =D


  1. And here my Summer Holidays are ending in eight days :(

    No followers gadget ?

    1. Lol that sucks big time.
      You've probably had good 2 weeks of school as well by now. I feel for you. :) -.-

    2. One week. The opening date of our school got delayed :D

    3. Hahahahah

      Still sucks though. :P
      But not so much considering it is the last one at school. :)
