Thursday 17 May 2012

Jackass for an Uncle

Today, I was sitting in cafeteria busy studying for a stupid quiz later in the day (which by the way didn't go too well) when a guy came to me and asked if someone was sitting with me. I was a little taken aback at the thought that a “guy” wants to sits with me and perhaps it was shown on my face so he quickly added that all other tables are full and he and his friends wants to sit somewhere. I was relieved at hearing that. I scanned the area and he was quite right about all tables being full. I told him to go ahead and join me with his friends while silently wishing a girl had asked me that question.  =P (it never happens no matter how much you wish for it)

Anyway, these guys were freshman and were a jolly lot. I decided to take a break from my book as I wasn’t getting anywhere with studying and talk to them. While talking to them it turned out that one of the guy’s uncle (dad’s elder brother to be exact) was none other than our current minster for information technology and ex minister for water and power, Raja Pervaiz Ashraf. After knowing that I was torn between the desire to punch him in the face or to launch a verbal attack but then I realized that it was his uncle that I wanted to punch and abuse and not the poor guy. Again the guy who had asked me if I was sitting alone read my face and was like “bhaai aap bhe dai dain iss ko gaaliaan, hum her roz daitay hain” and after that the priceless juggats started and became increasingly more and more insulting. I couldn’t help but laugh because cruel the juggats maybe, they were down-rightly funny and I took vindictive pleasure in them because I personally feel no matter how much your curse Raja Pervaiz Ashraf, it just wouldn't be enough.

Since I had some studying left before the quiz I decided to hit the library. Before leaving I gave him a piece of advice that never ever admit that he is related to Raja Pervaiz Ashraf and if someone asks then deny it straight away. The other guys roared with laughter at this and one of them was like “sun lai bhai ki baat! Warna her jaga zaleel hee hoga”.  

It is very sad that the poor guy had to endure all that. It is not his fault that his uncle happens to be a … well a son of a bitch. =P (I didn't want to say that but couldn't help myself). But then again it’s the people like Raja Pervaiz Ashraf who need to think about their families and what they will have to endure because of their lies and corruption.  Till they become corruption free (which I do not think they’ll ever be) their families will, as one of the guys said “her jagga zaleel he hon gi”. 


  1. great writing!!!
    ill def be back ;)

  2. So did you congratulate the poor soul? Now that his uncle , unfortunately, is our PM. Or did you just go to him, failed to resist the urge, and punched his face off?

    1. I was shocked when i got to know that Raja Rental got elected as our Prime Minister. I mean I know democracy is ugly for a country like Pakistan, but this ugly?!
      And it takes a lot of self restraint not to do that and greet him with a polite hello/whats up? -.-
